PMP mean climate: Compare user’s model with CMIP6

In this document, you will visualize PMP’s mean climate results for your own model, together with CMIP6, to compare performace. You will create following plots.

  • Portrait plot

  • Parallel coordinate plot

  • Box plot

  • Taylor Diagram

Written by Jiwoo Lee (LLNL/PCMDI), with contribution from Ana Ordonez (LLNL/PCMDI) and John Krasting (NOAA/GFDL)

Last update: September 2022


  1. Read data from JSON files

  • 1.1 Download PMP output JSON files for CMIP models

  • 1.2 Provide PMP results for the user’s model

  • 1.3 Extract data from JSON files

  • 1.4 Combine your PMP output with CMIP results

  • 1.5 Normalize each column by its median for portrait plot

  1. Portrait Plot

  2. Parallel Coordinate Plot

  3. Box plots

  4. Taylor Diagram

  • 5.1 Identify all models

  • 5.2 Highlight user’s model

1. Read data from JSON files

Input data for portrait plot is expected as a set a (stacked or list of) 2-d numpy array(s) with list of strings for x and y axes labels.

1.1 Download PMP output JSON files for CMIP models

import glob
import os
import numpy as np
from import download_archived_results

PMP output files downloadable from the PMP results archive.

vars = ['pr', 'prw', 'psl', 'rlds', 'rltcre', 'rlus', 'rlut', 'rlutcs', 'rsds', 'rsdscs', 'rsdt', 'rstcre', 'rsut', 'rsutcs', 'sfcWind',
        'ta-200', 'ta-850', 'tas', 'tauu', 'ts', 'ua-200', 'ua-850', 'va-200', 'va-850', 'zg-500']

mip = "cmip6"
exp = "historical"
data_version = "v20210811"
json_dir = './json_files'

Provide directory path and filename in the PMP results archive.

for var in vars:
    path = "metrics_results/mean_climate/"+mip+"/"+exp+"/"+data_version+"/"+var+"."+mip+"."+exp+".regrid2.2p5x2p5."+data_version+".json"
    download_archived_results(path, json_dir)

Check JSON files

json_list = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(json_dir, '*' + mip + '*' + data_version + '.json')))
for json_file in json_list:

1.2 Provide PMP results for the user’s model

json_dir_test = './json_files_test_case'
for var in vars:
    path = "test_case/mean_climate/my_model."+var+".regrid2.2p5x2p5.json"
    download_archived_results(path, json_dir_test)
test_case/mean_climate/my_model.prw.regrid2.2p5x2p5.json not exist in
test_case/mean_climate/my_model.rsdscs.regrid2.2p5x2p5.json not exist in
test_case/mean_climate/my_model.tauu.regrid2.2p5x2p5.json not exist in
json_list_test = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(json_dir_test, '*.json')))
for json_file in json_list_test:

1.3 Extract data from JSON files

Use Metrics class (that use read_mean_clim_json_files function underneath) to extract data from the above JSON files.


  • json_list: list of string, where each element is for path/file for PMP output JSON files

Returned object includes

  • df_dict: dictionary that has [stat][season][region] hierarchy structure storing pandas dataframe for metric numbers (Rows: models, Columns: variables (i.e., 2d array)

  • var_list: list of string, all variables from JSON files

  • var_unit_list: list of string, all variables and its units from JSON files

  • var_ref_dict: dictonary for reference dataset used for each variable

  • regions: list of string, regions

  • stats: list of string, statistics

from import Metrics
# existing library of mean climate metrics downloaded
library = Metrics(json_list)
Warning: The provided level value 20000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 85000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 20000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 85000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 20000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 85000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 50000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
# new test case
test_case = Metrics(json_list_test)
Warning: The provided level value 20000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 85000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 20000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 85000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 20000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 85000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.
Warning: The provided level value 50000 appears to be in Pa. It will be automatically converted to hPa by dividing by 100.

1.4 Combine your PMP output with CMIP results

# merged
combined = library.merge(test_case)
df_dict = combined.df_dict
var_list = combined.var_list
var_unit_list = combined.var_unit_list
var_ref_dict = combined.var_ref_dict
regions = combined.regions
stats = combined.stats

Check loaded data

print('var_list:', sorted(var_list))
print('var_unit_list:', sorted(var_unit_list))
print('var_ref_dict:', var_ref_dict)
var_list: ['pr', 'prw', 'psl', 'rlds', 'rltcre', 'rlus', 'rlut', 'rlutcs', 'rsds', 'rsdscs', 'rsdt', 'rstcre', 'rsut', 'rsutcs', 'sfcWind', 'ta-200', 'ta-850', 'tas', 'tauu', 'ts', 'ua-200', 'ua-850', 'va-200', 'va-850', 'zg-500']
var_unit_list: ['pr [N/A]', 'pr [kg m-2 s-1]', 'prw [N/A]', 'psl [N/A]', 'psl [Pa]', 'rlds [N/A]', 'rlds [W m-2]', 'rltcre [W m-2]', 'rlus [N/A]', 'rlus [W m-2]', 'rlut [N/A]', 'rlut [W m-2]', 'rlutcs [N/A]', 'rlutcs [W m-2]', 'rsds [N/A]', 'rsds [W m-2]', 'rsdscs [N/A]', 'rsdt [N/A]', 'rsdt [W m-2]', 'rstcre [W m-2]', 'rsut [N/A]', 'rsut [W m-2]', 'rsutcs [N/A]', 'rsutcs [W m-2]', 'sfcWind [N/A]', 'sfcWind [m s-1]', 'ta-200 [K]', 'ta-200 [N/A]', 'ta-850 [K]', 'ta-850 [N/A]', 'tas [K]', 'tas [N/A]', 'tauu [N/A]', 'ts [K]', 'ts [N/A]', 'ua-200 [N/A]', 'ua-200 [m s-1]', 'ua-850 [N/A]', 'ua-850 [m s-1]', 'va-200 [N/A]', 'va-200 [m s-1]', 'va-850 [N/A]', 'va-850 [m s-1]', 'zg-500 [N/A]', 'zg-500 [m]']
var_ref_dict: {'pr': 'GPCP-2-3', 'prw': 'REMSS-PRW-v07r01', 'psl': 'ERA-5', 'rlds': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rltcre': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rlus': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rlut': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rlutcs': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rsds': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rsdscs': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rsdt': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rstcre': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rsut': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'rsutcs': 'CERES-EBAF-4-1', 'sfcWind': 'REMSS-PRW-v07r01', 'ta-200': 'ERA-5', 'ta-850': 'ERA-5', 'tas': 'ERA-5', 'tauu': 'ERA-INT', 'ts': 'ERA-5', 'ua-200': 'ERA-5', 'ua-850': 'ERA-5', 'va-200': 'ERA-5', 'va-850': 'ERA-5', 'zg-500': 'ERA-5'}

In pandas dataframe, you will see your model is now included in the last row, as below.

model run model_run pr prw psl rlds rltcre rlus rlut ... ta-200 ta-850 tas tauu ts ua-200 ua-850 va-200 va-850 zg-500
0 ACCESS-CM2 r1i1p1 ACCESS-CM2_r1i1p1 1.661 139.039 245.952 11.552 8.519 10.560 10.991 ... 2.717 1.495 2.508 0.040 2.770 4.174 1.421 1.689 0.799 26.053
1 ACCESS-ESM1-5 r1i1p1 ACCESS-ESM1-5_r1i1p1 1.739 139.068 215.795 10.553 7.358 10.352 10.875 ... 2.551 1.335 2.106 0.035 2.250 3.305 1.408 1.804 0.859 25.470
2 AWI-CM-1-1-MR r1i1p1 AWI-CM-1-1-MR_r1i1p1 1.604 139.179 170.936 11.231 7.957 8.496 8.960 ... 1.847 1.074 1.414 0.028 1.609 2.483 1.251 1.586 0.711 16.738
3 AWI-ESM-1-1-LR r1i1p1 AWI-ESM-1-1-LR_r1i1p1 1.937 139.199 201.589 14.743 8.935 12.495 11.630 ... 3.966 2.224 2.039 0.034 2.317 3.835 1.684 2.241 1.024 NaN
4 BCC-CSM2-MR r1i1p1 BCC-CSM2-MR_r1i1p1 1.700 139.251 237.180 13.025 7.370 11.014 9.984 ... NaN NaN 2.669 0.034 2.585 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
5 BCC-ESM1 r1i1p1 BCC-ESM1_r1i1p1 1.631 139.152 237.973 14.469 8.423 12.970 12.763 ... 4.343 2.055 3.211 0.038 3.188 4.673 1.849 2.119 1.118 NaN
6 CAMS-CSM1-0 r1i1p1 CAMS-CSM1-0_r1i1p1 1.721 139.513 182.945 19.644 8.397 14.631 11.507 ... NaN NaN 3.462 NaN 3.858 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
7 CanESM5 r1i1p1 CanESM5_r1i1p1 1.779 138.924 240.049 16.095 8.406 12.479 11.047 ... 3.066 1.905 2.465 0.055 2.622 4.055 1.706 2.013 1.008 32.574
8 CESM2 r1i1p1 CESM2_r1i1p1 1.234 139.212 210.704 11.026 6.979 9.611 7.908 ... 2.057 1.309 1.483 0.089 1.800 3.433 1.377 1.973 0.800 NaN
9 CESM2-FV2 r1i1p1 CESM2-FV2_r1i1p1 1.397 139.161 242.138 12.376 7.835 10.690 8.740 ... 3.026 1.987 1.892 0.090 2.142 4.017 2.061 2.204 0.988 NaN
10 CESM2-WACCM r1i1p1 CESM2-WACCM_r1i1p1 1.203 139.166 205.141 10.544 6.761 9.166 7.680 ... NaN NaN 1.462 0.088 1.750 3.131 1.481 1.761 0.787 NaN
11 CESM2-WACCM-FV2 r1i1p1 CESM2-WACCM-FV2_r1i1p1 1.517 139.211 194.140 12.047 7.890 10.551 9.264 ... NaN NaN 1.744 0.089 2.095 3.086 1.871 1.976 0.903 22.056
12 CIESM r1i1p1 CIESM_r1i1p1 3.627 139.554 175.697 10.636 8.130 8.867 7.649 ... 3.773 1.221 1.512 0.151 1.802 3.106 1.264 1.635 0.834 39.275
13 CMCC-CM2-HR4 r1i1p1 CMCC-CM2-HR4_r1i1p1 1.599 139.313 327.559 13.640 8.576 9.807 10.873 ... 3.350 1.575 1.675 0.175 1.865 4.592 2.092 2.294 1.140 41.643
14 CMCC-CM2-SR5 r1i1p1 CMCC-CM2-SR5_r1i1p1 1.529 139.410 294.997 11.556 8.437 10.053 8.629 ... 3.479 1.774 1.903 0.150 2.216 3.781 1.530 1.770 0.886 29.599
15 E3SM-1-0 r1i1p1 E3SM-1-0_r1i1p1 1.358 139.355 263.067 13.937 6.388 10.892 7.968 ... 2.954 2.322 2.156 0.048 2.312 3.283 1.538 1.759 0.846 31.321
16 E3SM-1-1 r1i1p1 E3SM-1-1_r1i1p1 1.384 139.305 286.393 14.353 6.715 11.588 8.222 ... 3.055 NaN 2.293 0.037 2.429 3.477 NaN 1.954 NaN 33.610
17 E3SM-1-1-ECA r1i1p1 E3SM-1-1-ECA_r1i1p1 1.349 139.318 277.138 14.140 6.519 11.746 8.159 ... 3.094 26.727 2.367 0.037 2.507 3.483 1.555 1.871 0.885 36.308
18 EC-Earth3 r1i1p1 EC-Earth3_r1i1p1 1.239 139.257 167.478 15.160 6.863 12.768 9.741 ... 1.701 1.755 2.450 0.024 3.674 3.163 0.991 1.662 0.677 31.607
19 EC-Earth3-AerChem r1i1p1 EC-Earth3-AerChem_r1i1p1 1.291 139.269 176.365 14.411 6.825 12.037 9.629 ... NaN NaN 2.229 0.025 3.634 3.352 1.033 1.599 0.669 33.658
20 EC-Earth3-Veg r1i1p1 EC-Earth3-Veg_r1i1p1 1.262 139.308 159.077 13.688 6.945 11.592 9.661 ... 1.613 1.635 2.004 0.026 3.610 3.315 1.015 1.534 0.677 28.996
21 EC-Earth3-Veg-LR r1i1p1 EC-Earth3-Veg-LR_r1i1p1 1.266 139.286 158.686 16.394 6.922 13.260 10.065 ... 2.019 1.797 2.502 0.024 3.708 3.264 1.098 1.591 0.706 33.999
22 FGOALS-f3-L r1i1p1 FGOALS-f3-L_r1i1p1 1.449 NaN 359.037 11.759 10.375 12.101 10.129 ... 3.215 1.683 2.779 0.171 2.889 4.494 1.693 2.272 0.973 54.113
23 FGOALS-g3 r1i1p1 FGOALS-g3_r1i1p1 1.658 138.888 292.081 19.393 9.125 15.059 12.801 ... 5.826 1.823 3.562 0.163 3.895 3.641 1.909 2.136 1.050 29.997
24 FIO-ESM-2-0 r1i1p1 FIO-ESM-2-0_r1i1p1 1.388 NaN 228.979 10.459 7.668 8.932 9.352 ... 3.792 1.551 1.586 0.151 1.776 3.900 1.462 2.196 0.890 26.022
25 GFDL-CM4 r1i1p1 GFDL-CM4_r1i1p1 1.337 139.040 196.965 14.900 6.849 9.760 8.148 ... 2.109 1.830 2.331 0.027 2.226 2.844 1.379 1.323 0.707 42.543
26 GFDL-ESM4 r1i1p1 GFDL-ESM4_r1i1p1 1.375 139.071 204.671 12.807 6.885 9.041 8.459 ... NaN NaN 2.034 0.028 2.067 2.754 1.376 1.457 0.730 NaN
27 GISS-E2-1-G r1i1p1 GISS-E2-1-G_r1i1p1 1.631 139.025 302.630 15.092 9.973 12.631 11.219 ... 3.685 2.058 2.643 0.047 2.867 5.480 1.832 2.889 1.128 46.220
28 GISS-E2-1-G-CC r1i1p1 GISS-E2-1-G-CC_r1i1p1 1.699 139.058 302.395 15.650 10.280 12.949 11.922 ... 3.737 2.034 2.663 0.046 2.905 5.951 1.898 3.107 1.159 45.968
29 GISS-E2-1-H r1i1p1 GISS-E2-1-H_r1i1p1 1.675 139.224 486.524 16.427 9.876 13.117 11.333 ... 3.881 1.990 2.482 0.050 2.806 5.074 1.890 2.974 1.166 56.408
30 INM-CM4-8 r1i1p1 INM-CM4-8_r1i1p1 1.724 139.201 243.852 18.399 10.049 11.774 12.460 ... 3.799 2.989 2.597 0.074 2.769 5.865 2.035 2.760 1.199 52.334
31 INM-CM5-0 r1i1p1 INM-CM5-0_r1i1p1 1.667 139.189 197.334 16.972 8.735 10.580 10.378 ... NaN NaN 2.199 0.071 2.380 4.022 1.688 2.309 1.074 51.208
32 IPSL-CM6A-LR r1i1p1 IPSL-CM6A-LR_r1i1p1 1.625 139.137 240.321 13.602 7.105 9.523 8.710 ... NaN NaN 2.073 0.036 1.987 3.033 1.661 1.803 0.973 63.596
33 KACE-1-0-G r1i1p1 KACE-1-0-G_r1i1p1 1.457 139.082 208.175 11.662 8.174 11.210 10.097 ... 3.300 1.399 2.462 0.036 2.715 3.707 1.346 1.845 0.825 23.343
34 MCM-UA-1-0 r1i1p1 MCM-UA-1-0_r1i1p1 1.605 NaN 355.577 NaN NaN NaN 14.301 ... 2.990 4.290 3.190 0.150 3.289 4.458 1.929 2.470 1.142 63.850
35 MIROC6 r1i1p1 MIROC6_r1i1p1 1.411 139.478 371.381 11.968 6.001 11.836 13.347 ... NaN NaN 2.566 0.079 2.882 3.742 1.539 1.891 0.931 NaN
36 MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM r1i1p1 MPI-ESM-1-2-HAM_r1i1p1 1.935 139.333 182.547 13.682 9.330 11.438 11.509 ... 5.209 2.242 2.071 0.034 2.339 3.703 1.602 1.835 0.942 35.808
37 MPI-ESM1-2-HR r1i1p1 MPI-ESM1-2-HR_r1i1p1 1.558 139.185 175.940 11.483 7.972 8.214 9.257 ... 1.855 1.226 1.518 0.029 1.667 3.610 1.464 1.869 0.785 NaN
38 MPI-ESM1-2-LR r1i1p1 MPI-ESM1-2-LR_r1i1p1 1.586 139.240 169.975 12.861 7.665 9.964 9.711 ... 3.753 1.650 1.675 0.031 1.981 3.258 1.405 1.842 0.879 25.125
39 MRI-ESM2-0 r1i1p1 MRI-ESM2-0_r1i1p1 1.542 139.105 262.614 12.888 7.231 9.446 9.306 ... NaN NaN 1.619 0.033 1.820 5.641 2.041 2.302 0.942 NaN
40 NESM3 r1i1p1 NESM3_r1i1p1 1.958 139.286 252.038 16.135 11.223 13.198 15.035 ... 3.635 2.314 2.673 0.040 2.878 5.600 2.080 2.459 1.177 33.842
41 NorCPM1 r1i1p1 NorCPM1_r1i1p1 1.562 139.040 302.481 16.905 10.218 13.985 13.010 ... 4.101 2.341 2.775 0.039 3.017 3.423 2.401 2.197 1.290 27.684
42 NorESM2-MM r1i1p1 NorESM2-MM_r1i1p1 0.995 139.146 187.760 11.090 6.325 8.893 7.007 ... NaN NaN 1.900 0.032 2.038 3.128 1.273 NaN 0.828 19.449
43 SAM0-UNICON r1i1p1 SAM0-UNICON_r1i1p1 1.444 139.142 238.562 13.340 9.123 11.336 10.244 ... 3.560 1.479 2.478 0.036 2.609 3.293 1.736 2.036 0.939 23.985
44 TaiESM1 r1i1p1 TaiESM1_r1i1p1 1.335 139.102 211.710 11.730 8.043 10.044 8.601 ... NaN NaN 2.243 0.044 2.406 NaN 1.508 NaN 0.814 NaN
45 my_model r1i1p1 my_model_r1i1p1 1.359 NaN 266.107 13.913 6.382 10.892 7.969 ... 2.906 26.545 2.090 NaN 2.276 3.033 1.508 1.577 0.793 24.472

46 rows × 28 columns

Customize variables to show (optional)

# customize variables shown in portrait plot
#var_list = ["pr", "psl", "rltcre", "rlut", "rstcre", "rsut", "ta-200", "ta-850", "tas", "ts",
#            "ua-200", "ua-850", "va-200", "va-850", "zg-500"]
var_list = sorted(var_list)
var_list.remove('sfcWind')  # temporarliy removed sfc wind due to problem in observation
# Simple re-order variables
if 'zg-500' in var_list and 'sfcWind' in var_list:
    idx_sfcWind = var_list.index('sfcWind')
    var_list.insert(idx_sfcWind+1, 'zg-500')

print("var_list:", var_list)
var_list: ['pr', 'prw', 'psl', 'rlds', 'rltcre', 'rlus', 'rlut', 'rlutcs', 'rsds', 'rsdscs', 'rsdt', 'rstcre', 'rsut', 'rsutcs', 'ta-200', 'ta-850', 'tas', 'tauu', 'ts', 'ua-200', 'ua-850', 'va-200', 'va-850', 'zg-500']

Prepare input for portrait plot plotting function

data_djf = df_dict['rms_xy']['djf']['global'][var_list].to_numpy()
data_mam = df_dict['rms_xy']['mam']['global'][var_list].to_numpy()
data_jja = df_dict['rms_xy']['jja']['global'][var_list].to_numpy()
data_son = df_dict['rms_xy']['son']['global'][var_list].to_numpy()
model_names = df_dict['rms_xyt']['ann']['global']['model'].tolist()
data_all = np.stack([data_djf, data_mam, data_jja, data_son])
print('data.shape:', data_all.shape)
print('len(var_list): ', len(var_list))
print('len(model_names): ', len(model_names))

xaxis_labels = var_list
yaxis_labels = model_names
data.shape: (4, 46, 24)
len(var_list):  24
len(model_names):  46

1.5 Normalize each column by its median for portrait plot

Use normalize_by_median function.


  • data: 2d numpy array

  • axis: 0 (normalize each column) or 1 (normalize each row), default=0


  • data_nor: 2d numpy array

from import normalize_by_median

data_djf_nor = normalize_by_median(data_djf)
data_mam_nor = normalize_by_median(data_mam)
data_jja_nor = normalize_by_median(data_jja)
data_son_nor = normalize_by_median(data_son)
data_all_nor = np.stack([data_djf_nor, data_mam_nor, data_jja_nor, data_son_nor])
(4, 46, 24)

2. Portrait Plot

Use Matplotlib-based PMP Visualization Function. Detailed description for the functions parameters and returns can be found in the API documentation.

from import portrait_plot

Portrait Plot with 4 Triangles (4 seasons)

  • data order is clockwise from top: top, right, bottom, left

fig, ax, cbar = portrait_plot(data_all_nor,
                              vrange=(-0.5, 0.5),
                              figsize=(15, 18),
                              cmap_bounds=[-0.5, -0.4, -0.3, -0.2, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5],
                              cbar_kw={"extend": "both"},
                              legend_labels=['DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON'],
                              legend_box_xy=(1.25, 1),
                              logo_rect = [0.85, 0.15, 0.07, 0.07]
ax.set_xticklabels(xaxis_labels, rotation=45, va='bottom', ha="left")

# Add title
ax.set_title("Seasonal climatology RMSE", fontsize=30, pad=30)

# Add data info
fig.text(1.25, 0.9, 'Data version\n'+data_version, transform=ax.transAxes,
         fontsize=12, color='black', alpha=0.6, ha='left', va='top',)

# Add Watermark
ax.text(0.5, 0.5, 'Example', transform=ax.transAxes,
        fontsize=100, color='black', alpha=0.5,
        ha='center', va='center', rotation=25)
Text(0.5, 0.5, 'Example')
# Save figure as an image file
fig.savefig('mean_clim_portrait_plot_4seasons_example_user_model.png', facecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight')

3. Parallel Coordinate Plot

data = df_dict['rms_xyt']['ann']['global'][var_list].to_numpy()
model_names = df_dict['rms_xyt']['ann']['global']['model'].tolist()
#metric_names = ['\n['.join(var_unit.split(' [')) for var_unit in var_unit_list]
metric_names = var_list
model_highlights = ['my_model']
print('data.shape:', data.shape)
print('len(metric_names): ', len(metric_names))
print('len(model_names): ', len(model_names))
data.shape: (46, 24)
len(metric_names):  24
len(model_names):  46
units_all = 'prw [kg m-2], pr [mm d-1], psl [Pa], rlds [W m-2], rsdscs [W m-2], rltcre [W m-2], rlus [W m-2], rlut [W m-2], rlutcs [W m-2], rsds [W m-2], rsdt [W m-2], rstcre [W m-2], rsus [W m-2], rsut [W m-2], rsutcs [W m-2], sfcWind [m s-1], zg-500 [m], ta-200 [K], ta-850 [K], tas [K], ts [K], ua-200 [m s-1], ua-850 [m s-1], uas [m s-1], va-200 [m s-1], va-850 [m s-1], vas [m s-1], tauu [Pa]'
units_all.split(', ')
var_unit_list = []

for var in var_list:
    found = False
    for var_units in units_all.split(', '):
        tmp1 = var_units.split(' [')[0]
        #print(var, tmp1)
        if tmp1 == var:
            unit = '[' + var_units.split(' [')[1]
            var_unit_list.append(var + '\n' + unit)
            found = True
    if found is False:
        print(var, 'not found')

print('var_unit_list:', var_unit_list)

metric_names = var_unit_list
var_unit_list: ['pr\n[mm d-1]', 'prw\n[kg m-2]', 'psl\n[Pa]', 'rlds\n[W m-2]', 'rltcre\n[W m-2]', 'rlus\n[W m-2]', 'rlut\n[W m-2]', 'rlutcs\n[W m-2]', 'rsds\n[W m-2]', 'rsdscs\n[W m-2]', 'rsdt\n[W m-2]', 'rstcre\n[W m-2]', 'rsut\n[W m-2]', 'rsutcs\n[W m-2]', 'ta-200\n[K]', 'ta-850\n[K]', 'tas\n[K]', 'tauu\n[Pa]', 'ts\n[K]', 'ua-200\n[m s-1]', 'ua-850\n[m s-1]', 'va-200\n[m s-1]', 'va-850\n[m s-1]', 'zg-500\n[m]']
Index(['pr', 'prw', 'psl', 'rlds', 'rltcre', 'rlus', 'rlut', 'rlutcs', 'rsds',
       'rsdscs', 'rsdt', 'rstcre', 'rsut', 'rsutcs', 'ta-200', 'ta-850', 'tas',
       'tauu', 'ts', 'ua-200', 'ua-850', 'va-200', 'va-850', 'zg-500'],

Use parallel coordinate plot function of PMP

Detailed description for the functions parameters and returns can be found in the API documentation.

from import parallel_coordinate_plot
fig, ax = parallel_coordinate_plot(data, metric_names, model_names, model_highlights,
                                   title='Mean Climate: RMS_XYT, ANN, Global',
                                   figsize=(21, 7),
                                   logo_rect=[0.8, 0.8, 0.15, 0.15])
#fig.text(0.99, -0.45, 'Data version\n'+data_version, transform=ax.transAxes,
#         fontsize=12, color='black', alpha=0.6, ha='right', va='bottom',)

# Add Watermark
ax.text(0.5, 0.5, 'Example', transform=ax.transAxes,
        fontsize=100, color='black', alpha=0.2,
        ha='center', va='center', rotation=25)
Text(0.5, 0.5, 'Example')
# Save figure as an image file
fig.savefig('mean_clim_parallel_coordinate_plot_example_user_model.png', facecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight')

4. Box plots

Generate a set of box plots using `matplotlib <>`__ and `pandas.DataFrame.boxplot <>`__.

Note: The box extends from the first quartile (Q1) to the third quartile (Q3) of the data, with a line at the median. The whiskers extend from the box by 1.5x the inter-quartile range (IQR). Flier points are those past the end of the whiskers. See and for reference.

stat = 'rms_xyt'
season = 'ann'
region = 'global'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import math

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14,14))

ncols = 5
nrows = int(math.ceil(len(var_list)/ncols))

for index, var in enumerate(var_list):
    fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, index+1)
    # Box plot for library (i.e., CMIP6 models)
    ax = library.df_dict[stat][season][region].boxplot(
        # Customize box plot
        grid=False, fontsize=16,
        color=dict(boxes='black', whiskers='black', medians='black', caps='black'),
        boxprops=dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=1.5),
        flierprops=dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=1.5),
        medianprops=dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=1.5, color='black'),
        whiskerprops=dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=1.5),
        capprops=dict(linestyle='-', linewidth=1.5),
        showfliers=False, # mute showing outliers
    # Add marker for test case (i.e. user models)
        my_model = test_case.df_dict[stat][season][region][var]
        ax.plot(1, my_model, 'o', c='red', markersize=10, label='my_model')
    # Show unit as y-axis label
    # Show legend at upper right corner of the figure
    if index == ncols-1:
        h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
        black_patch = mpatches.Patch(color='black', label='CMIP6', fill=False)
        ax.legend(handles= [black_patch] + h,
                  bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1.02), loc='lower right', ncol=2)
# Add Watermark
fig.text(0.5, 0.4, 'Example',
        fontsize=100, color='black', alpha=0.1,
        ha='center', va='center', rotation=25)

fig.suptitle('rms_xyt, ann, global', fontsize=20)
fig.savefig('mean_clim_box_plot_example_user_model.png', facecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight')

5. Taylor Diagram

Detailed description for the functions parameters and returns can be found in the API documentation.

from import TaylorDiagram

Select variabile, season, and region for Taylor Diagram

var = "ts"
season = "djf"
region = "global"

5.1 Identify all models

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))

stddev = combined.df_dict["std_xy"][season][region][var].to_numpy()
refstd = combined.df_dict['std-obs_xy'][season][region][var][0]
corrcoeff = combined.df_dict["cor_xy"][season][region][var].to_numpy()
models = combined.df_dict["cor_xy"][season][region]['model'].to_list()

colors =, 1, len(models)))

fig, ax = TaylorDiagram(stddev, corrcoeff, refstd, fig, colors=colors, normalize=True, labels=models, ref_label='Ref: '+var_ref_dict[var])

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 0), loc='lower left', ncol=2)
fig.suptitle(', '.join([var, season, region]), fontsize=20)

# Add Watermark
fig.text(0.5, 0.4, 'Example',
        fontsize=100, color='black', alpha=0.1,
        ha='center', va='center', rotation=25)
Text(0.5, 0.4, 'Example')

5.2 Highlight user’s model

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))

# Customize plot to highlight user's model in red, others in grey
colors = list()
labels = list()
markers = list()
markersizes = list()
zorders = list()
for i, model in enumerate(models):
    if i == len(models)-1:
        if i == 0:
            labels.append('CMIP6 models')

fig, ax = TaylorDiagram(stddev, corrcoeff, refstd, fig, colors=colors, normalize=True,
                        labels=labels, markers=markers,
                        markersizes=markersizes, zorders=zorders, ref_label='Ref: '+var_ref_dict[var])

ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1.05), loc='upper right', ncol=1)
fig.suptitle(', '.join([var, season, region]), fontsize=20)

# Add Watermark
fig.text(0.5, 0.4, 'Example',
        fontsize=100, color='black', alpha=0.1,
        ha='center', va='center', rotation=25)
Text(0.5, 0.4, 'Example')
fig.savefig('mean_clim_taylor_diagram_example_user_model.png', facecolor='w', bbox_inches='tight')