API Reference#

APIs for Developers#

Below is a list of APIs available in pcmdi_metrics (> v3.6.1) for developers.

Data load#

io.xcdat_open(infile[, data_var, decode_times])

Open input file (netCDF, or xml generated by cdscan)

Land-sea mask#

utils.create_land_sea_mask(obj[, lon_key, ...])

Generate a land-sea mask (1 for land, 0 for sea) for a given xarray Dataset or DataArray.

utils.apply_landmask(obj[, data_var, ...])

Apply a land-sea mask to a given DataArray or Dataset.

utils.apply_oceanmask(obj[, data_var, ...])

Apply an ocean mask to a given DataArray or Dataset.

Grid and regrid#

utils.create_target_grid([lat1, lat2, lon1, ...])

Generate a uniform grid for given latitude/longitude ranges and resolution

utils.regrid(ds, data_var, target_grid[, ...])

Regrid the dataset to a given grid.

Custom calendars#

utils.custom_season_average(ds, data_var, season)

Calculates the average of a user defined season in each year.

utils.custom_season_departure(ds, data_var, ...)

Calculate the departure from a reference seasonal climatology for each season in a given year.

Region handling#

io.region_subset(ds, region[, data_var, ...])

Subset a dataset or data array based on a specified region.


Retrieve data from xarray Dataset#


Get grid information


Retrieve coordinate key names from the dataset or data array.


Retrieve data variable names from the dataset or data array.


Extract latitude coordinate data.


Extract latitude bounds data.


Get the key for the latitude dimension.


Extract longitude coordinate data.


Extract longitude bounds data.


Get the key for the longitude dimension.


Extract time coordinate data.


Extract time bounds data.


Get the key for the time bounds.


Get the key for the time dimension.

io.select_subset(ds[, lat, lon, time])

Select a subset of the given xarray dataset based on specified latitude, longitude, and time ranges.

Quality control (QC) and repair#

utils.check_daily_time_axis(ds[, time_key])

Check if the time axis in an xarray dataset follows a correct daily sequence, considering all CFTime calendars.

utils.check_monthly_time_axis(ds[, time_key])

Check if the time axis of a dataset follows a correct monthly sequence.

utils.regenerate_time_axis(ds[, start_str, ...])

Regenerate the time axis and bounds for an xarray Dataset.

Miscellaneous tools#


Sort a list of strings in natural order.

utils.fill_template(template, **kwargs)

Fill in a template string with keyword values.


Create a nested defaultdict with infinite depth.