Project home

  • Steering group and active participants
  • Climate Forecast Metadata Conventions
  • Climate Model Output Rewriter (CMOR)
  • Obs4MIPs data available on ESGF
  • Contributing obs4MIPs compliant data
  • Obs4MIPs data specifications
  • What's new in 2024?
  • Obs4MIPs in WCRP
  • WGCM Infrastructure Panel
  • Active Task Teams
  • The Climate Forecast Metadata Conventions

    The CF metadata conventions provide standards for the description of climate and weather data prepared in NetCDF. They are heavily leveraged for use by the climate modeling community with the CMIP data specifications. The obs4MIPs data specifications have been technically aligned with the CMIP standard output.

    See the CF data conventions homepage for more information.