AMIP II Standard Model Output
Table 1a: Upper-air low frequency (monthly mean): Basic
Table 1b: Upper-air low frequency (monthly mean): Dynamical
Table 1c: Upper-air low frequency (monthly mean): Physical
Table 2: Single-level low frequency (monthly mean)
Table 3: High-frequency (6-hourly)
Table 4: Time Series of daily global averages (area-weighted)
Table 5: Fixed geographical fields
Table 6: Optional high frequency (6-hourly): optional fields
Notes for Tables 1-6: Recommended sampling and calculations and references
A study of sampling, interpolation and data compression issues (link to separate document)
Data volume estimates (link to separate document)
Discussion of future diagnostics (under construction)
PCMDI standard variable names and AMIP data transmission standards (links to separate document)

The standard model output list for AMIP II is documented in six tables below. It has been prepared by the WGNE AMIP Panel and the PCMDI scientific staff, with the strong influence of many valuable recommendations made by diagnosticians and modelers during 1995-1997. The inclusion of many more diagnostics than in AMIP I results from the need for increasingly advanced analysis of AGCMs. Minor revisions made to this list since its first publication (AMIP Newsletter No. 8) are summarized at the end of this document. The list is ambitious, but not exhaustive. It represents a concerted effort to find a delicate balance between the needs of the diagnostic community and the practical limitations that modelers are faced with.
Additional information in the form of footnotes follows the upper air output (Tables 1a-c). Temporal sampling and variable-specific recommendations are summarized after the six tables. These recommendations are identified in the "Notes" of the rightmost Table columns (numbers for sampling and letters for variable-specific recommendations). The online version of this document also includes links to data volume estimates (as a function of resolution and data truncation), discussion of future AMIP diagnostics, and a description of the PCMDI variable names used in AMIP.
It is not expected that every modeling group participating in AMIP II will succeed in providing the entire AMIP II standard model output, especially from the "optional" listing of high frequency output (Table 6). Tables 1a, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are considered to represent minimum participation in AMIP II. As diagnostic subprojects are approved, their requests for Table 6 output will be posted so that modeling groups may determine on the basisi of interest which fields to save.
Upper-air low frequency (monthly mean): Basic
# *& 17 WMO standard pressure levels compatible with reanalysis products:
1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50,30, 20, 10 hPa
For those groups participating in GRIPS, the following levels are also encouraged: 15, 7, 5, 3, 2, 1.5, 1, 0.5 hPa
(Variable units are MKS)
Name |
Northward wind |
Eastward wind |
Vertical motion |
Air temperature |
Geopotential height |
Specific humidity |
Relative humidity |
Pressure surface below ground |
Upper-air low frequency (monthly mean): Dynamical
# *& 17 WMO standard pressure levels compatible with reanalysis products:
1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50,30, 20, 10 hPa
Calculation precision recommended: 64 bits
$ Covariances/variances acceptable
(Variable units are MKS)
Mean product of eastward and northward winds |
Mean product of northward wind and specific humidity |
Mean product of northward wind and temperature |
Mean product of vertical motion and specific humidity |
Mean product of northward wind and geopotential height |
Mean product of vertical motion and temperature |
Mean product of eastward wind and eastward wind |
Mean product of northward wind and northward wind |
Mean product of temperature and temperature |
Upper-air low frequency (monthly mean): Physical
On model levels
# *& 17 WMO standard pressure levels compatible with reanalysis products:
1000, 925, 850, 700, 600, 500, 400, 300, 250, 200, 150, 100, 70, 50,30, 20, 10 hPa
(Variable units are MKS)
Name |
Temperature tendency due to total diabatic heating |
Temperature tendency due to SW radiation |
Temperature tendency due to LW radiation |
Temperature tendency due to moist convective processes |
Temperature tendency due to dry convective processes |
Temperature tendency due to stratiform clouds |
Moisture tendency due to diabatic processes (total) |
Moisture tendency due to convective processes |
Eastward momentum tendency due to gravity wave drag |
tnmmvgwd | Northward momentum tendency due to gravity wave drag |
Eastward momentum tendency due to convection |
Northward momentum tendency due to convection |
Eastward total diabatic tendency of momentum |
Northward total diabatic tendency of momentum |
Cloud fraction |
Cloud liquid water |
Cloud ice |
# For all fields interpolated to standard pressure levels it is recommended that they be interpolated every sampled time step (e.g., every time step for temperature tendencies, every six hours for winds) rather than averaged on model surfaces and then interpolated. For some groups this may not be practical. Tests demonstrating the effects of the order of the interpolation (every sampled time step vs. end of month) are available at
& If fields below ground are extrapolated, it is suggested that the method of Trenberth et al. (1993) be used.
@ It is recognized that many groups prefer to save these diagnostics on model levels. The rationale for this choice is that vertical interpolation can degredate vertical profiles in regions of sharp vertical gradients if the model level (equivalent pressure value) is not close to the target pressure level. Examples of this are posted on in the standard output section of the AMIP homepage. Determination of how best to save these fields (on model levels or standard pressure levels) may be model dependent and is best determined each group.
$ Either mean products (e.g., {uv}, with brackets representing time average) or covariances/variances (e.g., {u'v'}) are acceptable. The later (which can be computed with the former and the fields of Table 1a) will be archived by PCMDI. If covariances/variances are supplied, the corresponding name and title changes for Table 1b are: replace "mp" with "cv" in variable names, and "Mean product" with "Covariance" (or when applicable "Variance) in the variable title.
Single-level low frequency (monthly mean) output
Name |
Ground temperature |
Surface (2m) air temperature |
Mean-sea-level pressure |
Surface pressure |
Total precipitation rate |
Snowfall rate (water equivalent) |
Convective precipitation rate |
Precipitable water |
Total soil frozen water content |
Surface soil water content (upper 0.1m) |
Total soil water content |
Surface runoff |
Total runoff (including drainage) |
Snow depth (water equivalent) |
Snow cover |
Snow melt |
Sea-ice concentration |
Surface (10m) eastward wind |
Surface (10m) northward wind |
Surface specific humidity (2m) |
Surface sensible heat flux (positive upward) |
Surface latent heat flux (positive upward) |
Surface evaporation plus sublimation rate |
Eastward surface wind stress (positive for eastward wind) |
Northward surface wind stress (positive for northward wind) |
GWD induced eastward surface wind stress (positive for eastward wind) |
GWD induced northward surface wind stress (positive for northward wind) |
Surface incident shortwave radiation (positive downward) |
Surface reflected shortwave radiation (positive downward) |
Surface downwelling longwave radiation (positive downward) |
Surface upwelling longwave radiation (positive downward) |
TOA incident shortwave radiation (positive downward) |
TOA reflected shortwave radiation (positive downward) |
Outgoing longwave radiation (positive downward) |
Net radiation at model top (positive downward) |
Surface incident clear-sky shortwave radiation (method II) |
Surface reflected clear-sky shortwave radiation (method II) |
Surface downwelling clear-sky longwave radiation (method II) |
TOA clear-sky longwave radiation (method II) |
TOA reflected clear-sky shortwave radiation (method II) |
Daily maximum surface (2m) air temperature |
Daily minimum surface (2m) air temperature |
Total cloud amount |
Vertically integrated cloud water (liquid and solid phase) |
Vertically integrated cloud ice |
High-frequency (6-hourly and daily) output
(6-hourly data sample 4 times daily: 0, 6, 12, 18Z)
Name |
Northward wind (850 and 200 hPa): 6-hourly |
Eastward wind (850 and 200 hPa): 6-hourly |
Outgoing longwave radiation: 6-hourly |
Total precipitation rate: 6-hourly |
Mean-sea-level pressure: 6-hourly |
Daily maximum surface (2m) air temperature |
Daily minimum surface (2m) air temperature |
Time Series of daily global averages (area-weighted)
Name |
Net radiation at model top (positive downward) |
Net downward energy flux at surface |
Total kinetic energy (per unit area) |
Total relative angular momentum (per unit area) |
Total surface torque (including mountain torque) |
Temperature (mass-weighted vertically average) |
Surface pressure |
Evaporation and sublimation (per unit area) |
Snow-covered area |
Snow depth (water equivalent) |
SST over open (ice-free) ocean |
Fixed geographical fields
Name |
Model topography |
Land fraction (expressed as percent) |
Glacier fraction (expressed as percent) |
Total soil moisture field capacity |
Surface soil moisture field capacity (upper 0.1 m) |
Ozone climatology (zonal average -pressure cross section ) |
Supplementary Output
High frequency (6-hourly)
Name |
Air temperature (850, 500, 50 hPa) |
Geopotential height (500 hPa) |
Specific humidity (850, 500 hPa) |
Surface (10m) eastward wind |
Surface (10m) northward wind |
Surface (2m) temperature |
Surface specific humidity (2m) |
Vertical motion (500 hPa) |
Northward wind (50 hPa) |
Eastward wind (50 hPa) |
Surface pressure |
Total cloud cover |
Eastward surface wind stress (positive for eastward wind) |
Northward surface wind stress (positive for northward wind) |
Precipitable water |
Surface sensible heat flux (positive upward) |
Surface latent heat flux (positive upward) |
Total runoff (including drainage) |
Total soil water content |
Snow depth (water equivalent) |
Surface incident shortwave radiation |
Surface reflected shortwave radiation |
Surface downwelling longwave radiation |
Surface upwelling longwave radiation |
TOA incident shortwave radiation |
TOA reflected shortwave radiation |
Potential vorticity 350, 380, 405K |
Planetary boundary layer height |
1 | Averages computed to most accurately represent true simulation average (i.e., based on every time step) |
2 | Averages based on instantaneous samples at 0, 6, 12 and 18Z. |
3 | Mean products are the monthly means {xy} = {x} * {y} + {x'y'} where{xy} is the monthly mean of the product of 6-hour (0,6,12,18Z) instantaneous samples. If calculations are done in pressure coordinates they will be more consistent with reanalysis products. |
4 | Instantaneous values. |
5 | Accumulated time average of the fraction of the grid cell covered, expressed as percent. |
6 | Time independent, but two-dimensional in space (longitude x latitude). |
7 | Monthly mean latitude-height (pressure) climatology. |
8 | Daily quantity, based on all model time steps |
Boer, G.J., 1985: A comparison of mass and energy budgets from two FGGE datasets and a GCM. Mon. Wea. Rev., 114, 885-902.
Beljaars, A.C.M, and Betts, A.K.: Validation of the boundary layer representation in the ECMWF model. The proceedings of Validation of Models over Europe, Vol. II, 7-11 September 1992, European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts, Shinfield Park, Reading RG2 9AX, UK
Hess, G. D., R. A. Colman and B. J. McAvaney, 1995: On computing screen temperatures, humidities and anemometer-height winds in large-scale models. Aust. Met. Mag., 44, 139-145. Available upon request from the AMIP Project Office.
Holtslag, A., A., and B.A. Boville, 1993: Local versus nonlocal boundary-layer diffusion in a global climate model. J. Clim., 6, 1825-1842.
Hoskins, B. J., M. E. McIntyre and A. W. Roberson, 1985: On the use and significance of isentropic potential vorticity maps. Quart. J. R. Met. Soc, 111, 877-946.
Potter, G. L., J. M. Slingo, J.-J. Morcrette and L. Corsetti, 1992: A modeling perspective on cloud radiative forcing. J. Geophys. Res, 97, 20,507-20,518.
Trenberth, K. E., J. C. Berry and L. E. Buja, 1993: Vertical interpolation and truncation of model-coordinate data. NCAR Technical Note NCAR/TN-396+STR, 54 pp. Available on request from the AMIP Project Office.
Vogelezang, D., and Holtslag, A., 1997: Evaluation and model impacts of alternative boundary-layer height formulations, Boundary-Layer. Meterol. (in press).
- Units corrections:
Table 1: Mean Product of vertical motion and specific humidity - (Pa/s)(kg/kg)
Table 4: Total relative angular momentum (per unit area) - kg/s
Table 6: Total soil water content - kg/m2
Organizational changes:
Table 1 has been split up into three categories: a) "basic", b) "physical"
and c) "dynamical" fields in an attempt to partition the complexities of
computing the various quantities. It is expected that all participants
will save every basic field. Several "physical" fields will not apply to
all models, and for some calculating the "dynamical" fields may be prohibitively
Additional Pressure levels:
Table 1a on additional levels in coordination with the stratospheric
intercomparison activities of GRIPS.
Table 4: "Total relative angular momentum" and "Global average temperature"
should both be column integrated quantities.
Removed fields
Satellite/surface views of 3-d cloud amounts, cloud optical depth
and LW emissivity (Table 1):
These fields initiated a great deal of interest and confusion. Many
modelers continue to feel that they deserve further consideration. However,
to date no one has clearly defined the satellite and surface views of cloud
cover for the general case of different cloud cover treatments used in
AGCMs. For this reason, the satellite and surface views of 3-d cloud amounts
have been removed from Table 1. Cloud optical depth (extinction coefficient)
and LW emissivity have also been removed because of a lacking consensus
on how to define them. It is clear that there remains a strong interest
in these fields, and they are certain to gain increasing attention. For
now they will be archived (and analyzed) for those modeling groups that
believe they deserves further attention. In this case, documentation of
how the calculations are made will be necessary. (6/15/97)
New fields:
Table 1: Gravity wave drag momentum tendency - m/(s2)
Table 1: Convective momentum transport tendency- m/(s2)
Talbe 1: Momentem tendencies changed from scalar to compenents
Table 1 Mean product of vertical velocity and temperature
Table 1 Mean product of temperature and total heating
Table 1 Mean product of eastward wind and eastward wind
Table 1 Mean product of northward wind and northward wind
Table 1 Mean product of temperature and temperature
Table 2: Snowmelt - kg/(m2 s)
Table 3: Surface air temperature (2m) daily min and max fields - K
Table 4: Global average total surface torque - N/m
Table 6: Air temperature at 50hPa - K
3-d fields interpolated to standardized pressure levels:
Some modelers have expressed reservations about interpolating cloud-related
fields (e.g., cloud amount, temperature and moisture tendencies) to standard
pressure levels. For this reason, cloud-related fields will be accepted
on either model coordinates or the 17 standard pressure levels.
Order of vertical interpolation:
Tests have demonstrated that in some cases (especially with fields
on Tables 1b-c), interpolating every time step vs. at the end of the month
can yield important differences. For this reason, a recommendation has
now been made for the order of interpolation. (6/15/97).
For further information contact the AMIP Project Office (
Last update: April 8, 1998
and LLNL Disclaimers