Questionnaire to assist PCMDI in preparing for IPCC data.


PCMDI is committed to making it easy to access the IPCC coupled model output.  Please help us out by answering the following questions:


  1.  How many of the IPCC model experiments do you plan to do?  (Please provide the number of years and size of ensemble planned for each experiment.)
    1. 'pre-industrial control experiment':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. 'present-day control experiment'  (necessary only if 1%/yr runs are initialized from present-day):

years =

ensemble size=

    1. 'climate of the 20th Century experiment (20C3M)':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. 'committed climate change experiment':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. 'SRES A2 experiment':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. '720 ppm stabilization experiment (SRES A1B)':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. '550 ppm stabilization experiment (SRES B1)':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. '1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to doubling)':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. '1%/year CO2 increase experiment (to quadrupling)':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. 'slab ocean control experiment':  

years =

ensemble size=

    1. '2xCO2 equilibrium experiment':

years =

ensemble size=

    1. 'AMIP experiment':

years =

ensemble size=


  1. Do you also plan to participate in
    1. CFMIP?
    2. OMIP?


  1.  At what resolution will you be reporting your atmospheric and ocean model output?
    1. number of atmos. longitudes =
    2. number of atmos. latitudes =
    3. number of ocean longitudes =
    4. number of ocean latitudes =
    5. number of ocean levels (only if different from the 33 Levitus levels requested) =


  1.  Roughly, what fraction (in terms of bytes) of the total model output that you will send to PCMDI will be sent in:
    1. August 2004?
    2. September 2004?
    3. October 2004?
    4. November 2004?
    5. December 2004?
    6. 2005?


  1. Do you plan to use the CMOR, available from PCMDI, which can be used to rewrite your model output in conformance with the IPCC requirements (available at CMOR)? 


  1.  Do you plan to provide ISCCP simulator output from your model?


  1. Do you plan to provide clear-sky and all-sky shortwave and longwave radiative forcing fields for 2xC02 from your model?  What about forcing by other agents?


  1. Please provide alternate contacts for future correspondences concerning IPCC simulations and data processing (and, as appropriate, indicate areas of responsibility):
    1. contact for information about your IPCC simulations (name & email):                                
    2. person responsible for rewriting data (name & email):
    3. additional contact (name & email):  
    4. additional contact (name & email):     



Thanks very much,



Karl E. Taylor

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

P.O. Box 808, L-103

Livermore, CA 94550


or (for FedEx)


                        7000 East Ave.

                        Livermore, CA 94550


Tel.:      1 (925) 423-3623

Fax.:     1 (925) 422-7675
